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Tabouli Salad Recipe

Tabouli (tabbouleh) is a must have dish on our table, especially with a summer meshawe (BBQ) spread! We grow a lot of the ingredients from home, and as most Lebanese make it, use more parsley than bulgur.  We recommend trying it with plain, salted peanuts. It adds a delicious crunch to your bite!

Please note that you can change the serving size to automatically adjust the ingredients quantities.

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Tabouli Salad Recipe
Course Salad
Course Salad
  1. Mix the onion, salt, & black pepper together on side plate if preferred
  2. Combine the burghal with the tomato in side bowl
  3. Combine the parsley, burghal + tomatoes, mint and onion together in large bowl
  4. And lemon juice, olive oil & toss
  5. Salt to taste, add more lemon juice if desired
Recipe Notes
  • Optional: Garnish with pomegranate seeds and or instead of tomatoes OR mix in salted peanuts!
  • Serve with seasoned pita chips (get recipe here) and roman lettuce (for lettuce wraps)
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