Falafel Recipe by Cooking.Journey

Falafel Recipe by Cooking.Journey

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Falafel Recipe by Cooking.Journey
  1. First, soak the chickpeas in water for 10-12 hours. This is best done overnight as you do not have to wait for it.
  2. Drain the water then add all the ingredients in the food processor or preferably meat mincer to bind the mixture together really well. You might need to add a bit of water to help to do so.
  3. Blitz really well until you end up with a paste. At this stage, you can add 2-3 tablespoons of olive oil to make the paste workable and easy to hold shape.
  4. Shape your falafel into balls . Heat the oil in a deep pan over a high heat until very hot.
  5. Fry the falafel in batches of 5-6 at a time for 5 minutes roughly until it becomes chocolate brown and cooked on both sides .
  6. Enjoy your falafel by drizzling them with tahini sauce. Serve with warm pitta bread, salad, olives and pickles. Eat while still warm.
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